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Administre la información médica de su hijo y comuníquese con el equipo médico de Arkansas Children's por Internet.
Iniciar sesión InscribirseArkansas Children's Hospital
Información general 501-364-1100
Arkansas Children's Northwest
Información general 479-725-6800
Arkansas Children's has instituted a Compliance Hotline, for use by anyone who knows of or suspects any illegal, unethical, or questionable activity.
The Compliance Hotline is intended to provide a private means to report issues that are considered to be of importance, especially if an appropriate means to report something is unknown. Callers to the Compliance Hotline will not be retaliated against by their managers or supervisors for making calls to the Compliance Hotline. All calls to the Compliance Hotline are confidential and private.
The Compliance Hotline is operated by an outside vendor, located out of state. This company specializes in healthcare-related compliance issues, and the telephone operators have been trained to receive Hotline calls. The Compliance Hotline, 1-877-384-4275, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are free. All calls will be answered by a live person. Calls are not recorded and are not able to be traced. Callers have the option to remain anonymous. If the caller remains anonymous, they will be given a numeric code so they may call back and ask for follow up. Callers will be guided through the call and prompted by appropriate questions from the operator. It is important that the caller provide as much detail as possible. The caller will be given a date on which they can call back and receive a follow-up report. Once the call is completed, a report will be generated and sent to the ACH Corporate Compliance Officer.
All reports will be investigated internally, and the findings will be reported back to the Compliance Hotline. Callers are urged to call back for follow up because in the event more information is required, this will be an opportunity for the caller to provide those details.
Report a Compliance Concern Online