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Arkansas Children's Hospital
General Information 501-364-1100
Arkansas Children's Northwest
General Information 479-725-6800
The purpose of the Arkansas Infant and Child Death Review (ICDR) Program is to improve the response to infant and child fatalities and provide accurate information on how and why Arkansas children are dying
and ultimately reduce the number of preventable infant and child deaths by establishing an effective review and standardized data collection system for all unexpected infant and child deaths.
Act 1818 of 2005 defines unexpected death as "a death involving a child who has not been in the care of a licensed physician for treatment of an illness that is the cause of death; a clinical diagnosis of death due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; or a death due to an unknown cause" (Act 1818 of 2005).
The Arkansas ICDR Program establishes multidisciplinary review teams (MDTs) in communities across Arkansas. After the teams are established, the Arkansas ICDR Program provides guidance, training and technical support to the local multidisciplinary teams. Multidisciplinary review teams usually consist of a representative from the following disciplines:
For more information or access to prior year reports please contact the Infant and Child Death Review Coordinator at
Visit the CDC website to get more SUID investigation reporting forms and user guides. These forms are voluntary tool and template for states and jurisdictions to use to collect important investigative information.
The Arkansas Infant & Child Death Review Program is administered by The Arkansas Commission on Child Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence and Arkansas Children's Hospital and supported by a contract with the Arkansas Department of Health Family Health Branch.