By the Numbers

* "By the Numbers" data for January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, in line with the last U.S. News and World Report Survey 

  • Thyroid Center performed 15 thyroid surgeries
  • 99% Type I and Type II primary diabetes patients over 11 years old have had a lipid profile within the past three years
  • 96% Type I and Type II primary diabetes care patients over 10 years of age had depression screens and were referred to mental health professionals where needed
Endocrinology outcomes graphic.

Awards and AchievementsBest Children's Hospitals - US News & World Report - Diabetes & Endocrinology

  • 2023-2024 USNWR ranking
  • 100% of diabetes nurses are nationally certified
  • 50% of diabetes nurses are certified as a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist

Endocrinology Service Chief

Jon Oden. M.D."Arkansas Children’s is working on a comprehensive Diabetes Center for children, which will encompass a global approach to all forms of diabetes, including the evaluation and treatment of children at risk of developing this terrible disease." 

Jon Oden, M.D.
Pediatric endocrinologist, Arkansas Children’s 
Chief of pediatric endocrinology 
James H. Hamlen II Endowed Chair in Pediatric Endocrinology
Professor of pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 

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