3D/3E Surgical
Common patient assignments are patients from newborn to young adult with the following illnesses: fractures, osteomyelitis, spinal fusion, Ilizarov bone lengthening procedures, congenital anomaly repair, Blount's disease, Perthes disease, developmental dysplasia of the hip, orthopedic trauma, ENT procedures, and various medical diagnoses.
3K Infant Toddler Unit (ITU)
Common patient assignments are patients from newborn to three years of age with the following illnesses: failure to thrive, viral respiratory illness, rule out sepsis, child maltreatment syndrome, long term ventilator patients, and multiple other general pediatric medical conditions
4C Medical
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to school age with the following illnesses: cystic fibrosis (both the newly diagnosed patients and those patients experiencing an exacerbation of their disease), nephrology conditions (such as nephrotic syndrome, end-stage renal disease, pre and post-renal transplant, patients who are requiring peritoneal dialysis), respiratory conditions (such as asthma, RSV and pneumonia), gastroenterology conditions (such as reflux and failure to thrive), and infectious diseases (such as Pertussis and influenza).Endocrine(such as Diabetes, New Onset and Diabetic Ketoacidosis) Eating Disorders (such as Anorexia and Bulimia)
4D Neurology
Common patient assignments are patients from newborn to 21 years of age with the following illnesses: epilepsy with 24-hour continuous VEEG monitoring, head injury, brain tumors, spina bifida, and spinal injuries.
5D Progressive Care
Common patient assignments are patients from newborn to 21 years of age with the following illnesses: head injuries, spinal cord injuries, multiple trauma, and pulmonary diseases.
4K Hematology Oncology
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to early adulthood with the following illnesses: blood disorders such as anemia, sickle cell anemia, thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorders, leukemia, childhood cancers, and other malignant diseases.
2D Burn Unit
Common patient assignments are patients from 18 months to 90 years of age with burn injuries.
3C Intermediate Care (IMU)
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to twenty-one years of age with the following illnesses: Respiratory Distress, Trauma and Head Injury, Sepsis, and Post-Operative Observation. Serves as Step Down and "Watcher" Unit.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to twenty-one years of age with the following illnesses: Critically ill Children with Respiratory Distress, Trauma and Head Injury, Sepsis, and Post-Operative States.
Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to Adult with the following illnesses: congenital cardiac anomalies and rhythm disorders. Step Down and Intensive Care Unit.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to two years of age with the following illnesses: respiratory distress, surgical anomalies, genetic defects, and prematurity.
Emergency Department (ED)
Common patient assignments are patients from birth to 21 years of age with life-threatening or emergent injuries and illnesses.
Operating Room
Common patient assignments are patients from newborn to adult with conditions requiring surgical intervention in services of: orthopedic, genitourinary, burn, ENT, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, plastic reconstructive, general, laser treatment, and/or dental.
Special Staffing Team/RN Float Pool ICU and Med.Surg
Floats to PICU, CVICU, NICU, ED, Burn, IMU, and all Med-Surgical units