Ashlie Hilbun headshot.Ashlie Hilbun, Ed.D., FACHE, CFRE, serves as senior vice president and chief strategy officer for Arkansas Children's. She leads planning efforts, advances business strategy and oversees strategic marketing for the state's only pediatric health system.

Previously, Hilbun served in the Arkansas Children's Foundation as vice president of philanthropy, co-leading the system's fundraising strategy and crafting external messaging. She has also served as a senior development officer and executive director of philanthropy for Arkansas Children's Foundation.

Before joining the Arkansas Children's team, she led development and external relations for the University of Arkansas J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, where she worked as a thought leader, coordinating strategic program development with leadership, philanthropy and advocacy. She also worked in disaster recovery in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

Hilbun earned a doctorate of education from the University of Arkansas, holds a master’s degree in social work from Tulane University and is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana in Shreveport.