A blood clot can block blood flow to areas of your body and become life-threatening.  Symptomatic or extensive deep venous thrombosis (clot) can be treated by thrombolysis or thrombectomy.

  • Thrombolysis: Thrombolysis is a procedure to dissolve or break up a blood clot. Thrombolysis can return blood flow and reduce harm to affected areas of the body.
  • Thrombectomy: Thrombectomy is a procedure used to remove a blood clot from a blood vessel (vein or artery).

Preparing for the Procedure

Your child will be sedated for the procedure and may need fast beforehand. Usually, medicine to stop more clots from forming (anticoagulation) will have started.

During the Procedure

The vein is entered below the clotted segment. The doctor will move a wire and catheter up to and through the clot. A venogram (x-ray) visualizes the extent of the clot. The treatment depends on the extent of the clot and its response to treatment. Sometimes it requires several days to fully treat the clot if it is extensive and associated scarring.

After the Procedure

Your child will continue anticoagulation for several months after treatment to ensure complete resolution of the clot. We will see them in the Interventional Radiology clinic as an outpatient to discuss stopping anticoagulation.

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