• Does your letter state "This infant's newborn screen for cystic fibrosis (CF) was abnormal and follow-up testing is required."?
    • This means that the Immunoreactive Trypsinogen (IRT) was positive and the CF Mutation Analysis was also positive. The letter will provide you with the IRT value and the results of the CF Mutation Analysis.

Please see below excerpt from the letter:

The CF screen results are as follows:

Date of Collection: See collection date on spreadsheet (XX/XX/XX) Immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT)1(IRT value) ng/ml

CF Mutation Analysis: _________________________________ Positive screen for CF, Infant may have CF

  • Note: What is the screening methodology utilized by the Public Health Laboratory Newborn Screening, Arkansas Department of Health?
    •  A two-step screen is utilized:
      • Immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) level is tested on each filter paper.
      • If the IRT level is elevated, DNA mutation analysis is performed at Arkansas Children's Hospital

  • Follow up with Newborn sweat test.
    • Newborn sweat test with genetic counseling within one week of result receipt at an accredited CF Foundation Care Center. ACH has the only accredited CF Foundation Care Center in the State. Contact the UAMS/ACH Newborn Screening Coordinator: 501- 364-4050 if you have any questions.
    • Please contact the parents TODAY to inform them of the abnormal test results and need for further testing. Please give them information sheet for parents. Note: Confirmatory testing should be achieved within 2 weeks from the date of this letter.

  • For more information, refer to the health department (ADH) letter that was faxed to you and information at the ADH website. Call 501-364-4050 to speak with the Newborn Screening Coordinator or page at 501-364-1100.